Cataclysmic Chaos
Mankind, tyrant over life
Vampires, draining wildlife dry
We slash virgin forests; drive extinction oceanwide
Mindless, we are, suicidal parasites
Smoke drifts high through the blazing sky
Fire, demons choir
While we spiral down with blinders on our eyes
Burning, free-fall, trusting afterlife
Toxic storms from the brave new world
blow distant tribes into the shadows
Instead of saving wonderland
we chose to walk a maze of sorrow
When I close my eyes
I see lightning (I am paranoid inside)
I don’t want my kids to inherit this crumbling planet, no…
When I close my eyes
I feel oceans rising
Let’s stop this genocide
Mankind, tyrant over life
Vampires, draining wildlife dry
We slash virgin forests, spread the plague worldwide
Diving, free-fall, we need change to survive
Music & Lyrics: Gui Becker
Mixing and Mastering: Rodrigo Marcon / Sona Studio
Production: Gui Becker
Label: Tratore
Release date: April/2020
Cover art by Gui Becker.

Sorcery Science
It’s six o’clock, it’s six AM, I sit up in bed, that same dream again
That same dream, where Galileo, whispers in my ear
“Hide your notes! The inquisition’s back, the end is near"
It’s been a witch-hunt since the middle ages
Pyres piled high with burning sages
From micro scales to cosmic trails,
chasing the light, fighting forward to breakthrough.
Yeah, the inquisition is after you!
It’s been a witch-hunt since the middle ages
Pyres piled high with burning sages
Science, logic, philosophy, all seen as sorcery
Chaotic rage denying climate change, lunacy fuels the blaze
Don’t let your books burn, or next it will be your turn,
into the ashes of oblivion
It’s six o’clock, it’s six AM, It’s Galileo That same dream again
The inquisition is here! Oooooooh!
The inquisition is back, my friend!
Wake up! The fight is here!
Lyrics: Gui Becker & Suzi Claflin
Music: Gui Becker
Recording and musical arrangements:
Bass and Drums: Guto Steffen
Vocals, Guitars, Violin and Piano: Gui Becker
Mixing and Mastering: Rodrigo Marcon / Sona Studio
Production: Gui Becker & Guto Steffen
Label: Tratore
Release date: December/2020

Castle in the Sky
Riding a highway baked by sun
Gauge on red; I’m out of places to run (run!)
The world is freshly broken, ashes still smoking
But my eyes are clear, and I want to believe
That it’s not too late for hoping
Oooh; I’m taking flight
My wheels spin over air, peeling across the light
Diesel, dust, desert down below — I’ve never been so high
Sweet paradise, Castle in the Sky
Caught in the clouds, trapped by mist
The earth is pulling me down, but I must resist (fight!)
The storm is rising now, no one showed me how
The fight is mine, I’ll never break
The world I make is what I allow
Oooh; I’m taking flight
My wheels spin over air, peeling across the light
Diesel, dust, desert down below — I’ve never been so high
Sweet paradise, Castle in the Sky
Dreams are hope not yet born
It’s not over; we can still learn
To breath life into the Earth we mourn
Oooh; I’m taking flight
My wheels spin over air, peeling across the light
Diesel, dust, desert down below —I’ve never been so close
Sweet paradise, Castle in the Sky
Lyrics: Suzi Claflin & Gui Becker
Music: Gui Becker
Recording and musical arrangements:
Bass: Guto Steffen
Drums: Mateus Kremer
Vocals, Guitars: Gui Becker
Mixing and Mastering: Rodrigo Marcon / Sona Studio
Production: Gui Becker & Guto Steffen
Label: Tratore
Release date: Mar/2022
Cover art concept by Gui Becker.

Photos by Estúdio Photo Traço, Lucas Lermen and Ângelo Daudt